"Well I hope you're happy with what you've made
In the land of the free and the home of the brave"

Saturday, August 25, 2007

mother of all red pills

"Mother should I trust the government?" - R. Waters
We are approaching the sixth anniversary of "The Day That Changed America".

Despite all my recent rantings, ramblings, inquisitions, and inquiries, I am not ready to swallow the mother of all red pills: the "9/11 inside job conspiracy theory" thing.

No sensible person doubts that the federal government in general, and more specifically the executive branch, continue to exploit that horrid day for political gain.

Hell, even with the alleged rival party in power, the President need only say "terror! terror!" and the Congress rolls over and pisses on itself like a scolded puppy.

In many ways, the terrorists have already won.

Land of the free? Not so much anymore.

The ongoing expansion of government power, its intrusion into our daily lives and erosion of our liberties continues: Patriot Act I and II, warrantless wiretapping, domestic surveillance, Military Commissions Act, John Warner Defense Authorization Act, Real ID. . . Jesus H Fucking Christ man, the list just goes on and on.

Home of the brave? Nope. We have become are a nation conditioned to live in fear, masking paranoid suspicion with the guise of perpetual vigilance.

But to believe that people in our own government were involved in the execution of such a horrific event as a means of exploiting and controlling the populace. . .

Well, that's a leap into a dark endless nightmare that I'm just not ready to make.

"...certain questions get answered. Others spring up! The mind plays tricks on you. You play tricks back! It's like you're unraveling a large cable-knit sweater that someone keeps knitting. . . and knitting. . . and knitting. . . and knitting. . . and knitting. . . and knitting!" - Pee Wee's Big Adventure
Questions indeed.

I'm not alone. The guys that made "Loose Change" may be criticized for their over-zealous approach and over-reaching conclusions, but that does nothing to detract from the validity of the questions they ask. And c'mon, it's a pretty good effort by a few young twentysomethings with a home computer that haven't yet lost their youthful passion and idealism for wanting to make the world a better place.

And this guy poses many questions. I know he generally tends to be dismissed as the primary voice for the angry rantings of the lunatic fringe, but if even a small fraction of his allegations are true then we all should be really pissed. And again, the passionate anger of his approach does not detract from the validity of the questions he raises.

Questions need answers.

It was with eager anticipation that I viewed "The 9/11 Conspiracies: Fact or Fiction" earlier this week on The History Channel. I love The History Channel, I watch it all the time. I was hopeful that I would see a well-made documentary giving an in-depth analysis and explanation of the various alternative theories about what happened on September 11, 2001. I was hopeful I would see a report based on the best historical and scientific evidence that would convince me the alleged kooks were really kooks so I could just throw away the mother of all red pills.

I was sorely disappointed.

If you have not yet seen this special on The History Channel, let me summarize it for you here:
9/11 Consipiracy Theorist: 9/11 was an inside job.

History Channel Expert: You are a stupid head.

9/11 Conspiracay Theorist: But what about. . .

History Channel Expert: Stupid head.

9/11 Conspiracy Theorist: But what about. . .

History Channel Expert: Only a crazy person would think that. So I'm sorry, I am mistaken. You are not a stupid head. You are a crazy stupid head.
And that was pretty much the level of discourse for two freaking hours. It didn't answer any questions. It just made me all the more curious.

It really pissed off these guys.

So now my fellow Americans and my fellow citizens of the world, tell me just what the Hell is going on. Tell me I'm crazy, convince me I'm wrong. I crave, I yearn for information and discussion. Otherwise I'm just going to have to swallow the mother of all red pills.

Friday, August 24, 2007

advance awareness or incredible ineptness?

This is interesting:

The Secret Service at Booker Elementary:
The Dog That Did Not Bark

If nothing else, it is certainly more puzzling evidence in need of further exploration and explanation.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

said the kettle to the pot

I realize Bush was talking about Iraq, but this is what he said:
“If the government doesn’t respond to the demands of the people,” he said, “they will replace the government.”
And this man is not at all worried about people wanting to replace the government?

I guess it is a whole lot easier not to respond to the demands of the people if you don't have a fucking clue what those demands are. The sumvabitch intentionally lives in an information vacuum surrounded by lackeys, stooges, and yes-men and his policy is to avoid any who disagree.

this can't be a good sign

Have you seen this:

This is very disturbing, on so many levels. Let's just look at a couple, shall we?
". . . last year's elimination of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act" ???
Well, that doesn't sound very encouraging. And I love how they just slip it in there, all matter of fact like, like it's no big deal.

I wasn't aware it had been eliminated? However, some would say yes it has been, by this.

And I hope that at the very least that raises a suspicious eyebrow or two. But what I find much more troubling about the piece is this:
". . . the clergy would help the government with potentially their biggest problem, us."

". . . such clergy response teams would walk a tightrope between the needs of the government versus the wishes of the public."
Um, excuse me? Isn't this still a representative democracy? I thought we, as in the public, are the government.


The Bastards are planning on exploiting people's faith so they will quietly and passively surrender to tyranny.

Screw God, let's just render it all to Caesar.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

again I say

This whole scene just ain't right.

And again I say, it's not because I'm some kind of Padillaphile.

This fella explains it rather well.

And here is some good background info if you feel the need to learn more before you start ranting from the rooftops.

Of, by, and for the people?



Tuesday, August 14, 2007

a question

Who do you call if your house is on fire and a fireman lit the match?

Monday, August 13, 2007

it jus'ain't right

Well my dear reader, it's been a while but you have been subjected to related ranting in the past.

I'm okay with it. So I'm sure you are also. Some things are just so scary that they deserve repeated mentioning.

I find no reassurance in the fact that at least one of the weasels running the show have some frighteningly curious interpretations about how things are supposed to work around here.

Admittedly, this Padilla guy is probably not exactly the type of fella you'd invite over on a Sunday afternoon to eat a slice of pie with your grandmother. But still, he's an American citizen and therefore one of us. What our government did to him, yes our government allegedly of, by and for the people, acting in our name in the protection and service of us, jus'ain't right.

This jus'ain't the country my father taught me it was. And as I'll have no option but to kick you in the balls so fucking hard you'll be throwing up your nuts if you so much as dare to imply that my father is a liar, you best jus' agree with me my dear reader and recognize that somewhere on the road to freedom and liberty we've taken one helluva wrong turn.

Don't think it can happen to you?

Sadly, very sadly, I think perhaps it can.

And I'm not alone:

is he psychic

or psychotic?

Wow. That was like what, 13 year ago and like magic it all seems to have come true.


Wednesday, August 8, 2007

okay look

I came across this.


They (that's "They" with a capital "T") planned it and almost tried it once. Are we (as in "us" with a lowercase "u") so foolish as to believe it really can't happen?

Puzzling evidence indeed.


Thursday, August 2, 2007

maybe he's not leaving

Have you seen this photo?

I found it here.

Look at it closely. I'll wait.

Hmm hmmm hmmm whistle whistle hmm hmmm.

Notice anything odd or otherwise interesting.

Look closer.

Why is there no end date?

It's not like we don't know when it's gonna be.

The absence of an end date on that statue obviously expresses some optimistic thinking on either the part of the sculptor or the bureaucrat who commissioned it or both. But in which direction?

Let's run with the idea that They (yes, with a capital 'T') are betting on the high side.

This kinda stuff doesn't seem as crazy as it used to sound. And is it really so unfathomable? Remember, this is the Commander Guy who says shit like this: "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

These kinds of stories used to seem crazy to me also.

Now, not so much.

Maybe he's just following in his grandpappy's failed footsteps.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

wha' the fuck?

My dear reader, you might as I do, momentarily pause and wonder just what the Hell is going on. . .

My dear reader, I feel compelled to confess what by now must have become painfully obvious to even the most casual dear reader of the humble words found here. . .

Recently I've been reading lots of news, both in and outside of the mainstream. This has prompted me to do a little bit of Googling puzzling things and ranting a bit. I'm pretty sure that I don't like much of it, no sir, not one damn bit.
"It's a crazy world."

"Somebody oughta sell tickets."

"I'd buy one."

- Raising Arizona
But what's a fella to do?

When Uncle Walt's network tells you that 71% of us are willing to trade freedom for security so the FBI is busy granting our wish.

When the Constitutionally equal Executive Branch tells the Legislative Branch that we don't have to tell you shit and by the way "fuck off".

When The Man smashes through your door in a blatant violation of your liberties just because you pissed him off. . .

Well my dear reader, that's the tip of the iceberg of when things are just plain fucked up.

Are you just gonna smile as you bend over and grab your ankles, or are you gonna start ranting?

So hear me now and believe me later, my dear reader, because I'm joshing you negative.

All I 'm saying is that it seems like the freight trains of the satirical and horrifying visions of humanity I first read about twenty some years ago are on a single track accelerating on imminent collision course in real life, in real time, in the real world, in the course of human events, and it's gonna be one big fucking ugly mess.

So my dear reader, I implore thee to take a good hard fucking long look in the mirror.

If and when the times comes, will you fight the power, or be fucked by it?