"Well I hope you're happy with what you've made
In the land of the free and the home of the brave"

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

wha' the fuck?

My dear reader, you might as I do, momentarily pause and wonder just what the Hell is going on. . .

My dear reader, I feel compelled to confess what by now must have become painfully obvious to even the most casual dear reader of the humble words found here. . .

Recently I've been reading lots of news, both in and outside of the mainstream. This has prompted me to do a little bit of Googling puzzling things and ranting a bit. I'm pretty sure that I don't like much of it, no sir, not one damn bit.
"It's a crazy world."

"Somebody oughta sell tickets."

"I'd buy one."

- Raising Arizona
But what's a fella to do?

When Uncle Walt's network tells you that 71% of us are willing to trade freedom for security so the FBI is busy granting our wish.

When the Constitutionally equal Executive Branch tells the Legislative Branch that we don't have to tell you shit and by the way "fuck off".

When The Man smashes through your door in a blatant violation of your liberties just because you pissed him off. . .

Well my dear reader, that's the tip of the iceberg of when things are just plain fucked up.

Are you just gonna smile as you bend over and grab your ankles, or are you gonna start ranting?

So hear me now and believe me later, my dear reader, because I'm joshing you negative.

All I 'm saying is that it seems like the freight trains of the satirical and horrifying visions of humanity I first read about twenty some years ago are on a single track accelerating on imminent collision course in real life, in real time, in the real world, in the course of human events, and it's gonna be one big fucking ugly mess.

So my dear reader, I implore thee to take a good hard fucking long look in the mirror.

If and when the times comes, will you fight the power, or be fucked by it?

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