"Well I hope you're happy with what you've made
In the land of the free and the home of the brave"

Friday, September 7, 2007


So the Boogeyman is back?

Yeah, sure man. You believe what you want to believe.

But before you swallow the official party line, please check this out, and "re-examine all you have been told":
Osama bin Laden: The Newest Fake

Neo-Cons Enlist Bin Laden's Help To Counter 9/11 Truth
I did some digging for more info on the whole black beard thing mentioned in the first story. I found this and this, so the statement about dying your beard may not be totally accurate. The photographic comparisons are interesting.

Along the lines of what I've stated before, I'm not so sure about the 9/11 Truth angle of the second article, but the rest of it is spot on.

And I will admit that dubya got something right in a statement he made while attending the Austrian OPEC conference:
Osama bin Laden's first video appearance in three years is a reminder of "the dangerous world in which we live."
Yes sir, you are correct, the world is full of danger.

Trouble is, bin Laden's probably not it.

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